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Youtube promotion in brief.

Here’s what is happening here. You have recently come up with an amazing original or cover music video and you want to show it to a wider audience. You want to get your music out there and available to more viewers and listeners. What can you do? You can purchase our Organic YouTube Promotion campaign and just wait to see the magic happen.

And like any other services of ours, our YouTube Promotion package is one hundred percent real and organic. No bot accounts are involved

Boost YouTube Video – You have an awesome music video!Does it reach an audience as you expected?how to get that music out there and get more youtube views?


Pricing Premium packages

Let’s Choose Your Organic Youtube Package


$ 25
  • Around 2k Reach
  • Organic Growth
  • 100% Real Engagements
  • 100% Niche related
  • Massively Helps in Video Ranking
  • 100% Compliance with YouTube’s TOS


$ 49
  • Around 5k Reach
  • Organic Growth
  • 100% Real Engagements
  • 100% Niche related
  • Massively Helps in Video Ranking
  • 100% Compliance with YouTube’s TOS


$ 89
  • Around 10k Reach
  • Organic Growth
  • 100% Real Engagements
  • 100% Niche related
  • Massively Helps in Video Ranking
  • 100% Compliance with YouTube’s TOS


$ 275
  • Around 50k Reach
  • Organic Growth
  • 100% Real Engagements
  • 100% Niche related
  • Massively Helps in Video Ranking
  • 100% Compliance with YouTube’s TOS


$ 520
  • Around 100k Reach
  • Organic Growth
  • 100% Real Engagements
  • 100% Niche related
  • Massively Helps in Video Ranking
  • 100% Compliance with YouTube’s TOS

About More..

Our youtube promotion service always there for you. Through our youtube promotion we target the best fits audience for your music. you will NOT get bunch of fake views through this. Exactly this promotion gets you real views + viewers engagements( likes,subscribes,comments)

NO one does this sort of real youtube promotion in the market! As we get you views through real marketing we can assure that they are non-drop and last forever. Try this promotion even once. You will comeback and stick with our promotion for sure. Our professional team targets the best audience suitable for your music and we boost your video to that community. The audience we target has always proven to be the best making your videos go viral all over the world.

People come to YouTube for many reasons. According to surveys, one of the most prominent reasons is to listen to music for free. And it is far less than difficult to get your music to reach a huge listener and viewer base. Our organic YouTube Promotion Campaign is made for all those aspiring musicians who are looking for their perfect audience. All the real and organic promotion we provide for your music will play an important role in your inevitable success.

What Clients Say About   Our Orgaic Youtube Service

Services are quite prompt and very much as per expectations. I’ve been using this seller for some time now and I find her very good. I will be ordering another gig very soon.

organic soundcloud promotion services
vandienzor Publisher and CEO

Great experience ! I loved it so much I ordered a top up. I look forward to working with this professional again. I highly recommend this seller for video promotion and channel promotion.

harmonythrulove youtube Artist

outstanding service by the seller both with video promotion and channel promotion. By far the best service I have received on promusic promotion

jerrom Musica New Youtube Artist

Best youtube company . i recommend and Guarantee to anyone. I got real feedbacks from real poeple.Authentic and absolutelty NO bots! Go and mark my words Will definitely be ordering again soon! Thank you!!

chloetemtchine Dj Music Producer

If you are described below, you are going to need our
Organic and Real YouTube Promotion package

YouTube is currently the world’s largest video streaming platform and it has an indescribable amount of potential when it comes to music promotion. Over 2 billion users are recorded to use YouTube each month. People watch over a billion hours of YouTube every day on their PCs or mobile devices. And if your music is on it and you want to make it stand tall among all of the other content, you need proper professional promotion. It is a heavy competition after all!

And according to algorithms of YouTube the amount of engagement matters when it comes to appearing in searches and being recommended to a user. That is when our service comes in handy. We show your video to the world by pushing it through our YouTube promotion network and your video will go viral in no time.

So, if you are an aspiring or even a professional music artist and you want your music promoted via YouTube our paid YouTube promotion campaign is the path to take

Should you really buy YouTube Promotion

Millions and millions of videos on various topics are added to YouTube on a daily basis. Music being one of the most common categories of them, if you want your music video to stand out among everything else, it only makes sense that you should promote it.

But simple promotion does not get you to a better place. Promotions using bot accounts and acquiring fake views does not help you since it is only a matter of time until YouTube identifies them and removes them. Even your accounts might get suspended or removed from YouTube if excessive suspicious activity is involved with your account. That would be a shame.

That is why we recommend you to buy our real and organic paid YouTube promotion campaign. Each engagement we provide for your music through our service is real. We can guarantee that our services do not involve bot accounts. Therefore, your content is safe too!


These days, it makes sense to buy YouTube views for a simple reason. With millions of new videos being added to the platform every day, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd. YouTube views determine if and to what extent your target audience will find and watch your posts. To purchase YouTube views is to help prevent your posts from simply fading into the background.

Here at DMP, we make it quick and easy to buy premium YouTube views and Boost YouTube Video in any quantities required. From 1,000 to one million views, we offer an extensive range of packages to suit all purposes. Having successfully promoted the accounts of more than 50,000 customers to date, we know exactly what it takes to succeed on the world’s most prominent and popular platforms.

Here are some extra tips and tricks for you

Use the Featured Videos Option

YouTube’s featured video option has a potential of its own. Whenever you upload a new video to your channel, make sure to set it as the featured video on your channel. Then it will automatically play when a viewer comes to your YouTube channel. It will be an added advantage to your YouTube Music Promotion and YouTube Video Promotion.

Artistic Thumbnails are the Key

Gone are the days when the thumbnail of a video was just a frame from your video that YouTube chose for you. You can add a totally different image or even a frame from your own video with distinctive features to make it appeal to a wider audience. When your videos surpass a certain number of views or appear on the trending list, it is a good idea to edit the previous thumbnail and mention the achievement in the new one. That is a trick to make the viewers more tempted to have a look at your video.


Titles play a critical part

Your titles should always be relevant and not at all clickbait. Using clickbait titles can result in a long-time loss because there is a higher chance of viewers being disappointed with the content of the video if it is inconsistent with the title. No matter, how much YouTube Promotion you do for your video people will not share it with someone else or view for a second time.

Posting Regularly

If you regularly post in your YouTube channel, it is more likely to build up a viewer-base or a fanbase. Then your paid YouTube promotion campaign will be even more worth it.

And in the case of descriptions, add all the relevant details to it. But remember that mentioning that information in the form of points is better because it will make it more specific. Make it creative and informative.

 Go and check out our available paid YouTube promotion packages. We only provide 100% real and organic engagement for your videos. Purchase from us and experience the difference.

Feature Your Latest Video on Your YouTube Page 

Make sure when you upload your video it appears on top of your channels page. People who are looking your YouTube channel should see your latest video. It makes you look updated and active. 

Give an Interesting Title 

Your video title should be relevant and catchy. Try to give titles to your videos which a user might think to click. Keep it short and direct. Interesting and informative titles along with attractive thumbnails increases the probability of getting viewed. 

Use SEO friendly tags 

Don’t forget YouTube along with being a video sharing platform and Boost YouTube Video is also a search engine where people search for videos. Research about what your users are looking for and make sure those related keywords or tags are included in your video. 

Post Regularly and Early 

Make sure you are posting regularly on your channels. This shows your activeness. Keep updating your videos by changing their headlines and images. This will give you exposure to new users and will increase your numbers. 

Add a Transcript of your Viewers Language 

If you have multilingual viewers then it is better to add a transcript in your viewer language too along with English. It will make you appear on other language searches too. For example there are 38 million Spanish speakers are there in the United States. Hence, adding a Spanish transcript will make you appear on Spanish searches too. 

Write an impressive description of your video 

When you write in the description do not write what is happening in the video. Viewers are already seeing it. Write a story about your video, be creative, and be informative. Tell them the story behind the video. Be entertaining and remember that description is not a place to give a message to your viewers. 

Always keep in mind to buy YouTube views from reputed companies like Promusicpromotions.com. Check out our YouTube views packages. By taking this step you can give your brand a jump-start and attract more and more people to watch your videos. Remember there are thousands of other users and businesses competing with you and to stand out in millions you need higher level strategies and policies that is guaranteed by us.